Strategy for entrepreneurs and for career management in uncertain times
How to manage change as an entrepreneur or on your career? First of all I hope this post finds you well and safe. It is a time when self-compassion, resilience and ability manage change is on an ultimate test. Sure, we know we live in a time of uncertainty and change, but this? This crisis... Read More
What it really means to be an influencer?
What it really means to be an influencer? The whole world seems to be in awe of people posting relentlessly on social media and showing their lifestyles to-be-followed or copied. The amount of live feed in the form of pictures, videos, or texts is constantly growing giving an impression that the conversation is important (massive... Read More
Differences of digital communication and what you should know about it
14 differences in digital communication that managers, marketers and entrepreneurs should know Ogilvy has always known how to say the right things in the right way. I agree, that there is no digital marketing, only good marketing. A lot of people seem to forget that going digital is not the magic pill, but doing marketing well,... Read More
Peter Kentie. ESTonishing guy on (personal) branding
I am honored to bring you some thoughts about passion, career and branding of a person who all of a sudden, out of his own drive gave Estonia something Estonian designers, marketers and branders could not (yet) give. Peter Kentie, a Dutch marketer, Eindhoven365 managing director, offered a “EST” concept for the brand of Estonia... Read More
Work and life balance: plan your vacation
I was surprised to notice that entrepreneurs and CEOs who came to seek advice on how to market their business better and to get the motivation to work on their business back had one thing in common. They hadn’t planned their rest-time. As soon as we included shorter and longer periods of rest, activities and... Read More
3 recommendations to thrive as a CEO of your life
You are the boss of yourself in the future of work It’s a long time since each and every person has the opportunity to design his/her own lifestyle, as well as professional challenges. It is actually a must to knowingly design one’s life, because the responsibility for self growth, skill development and self care is... Read More
Maximize the next conference. Network like a pro
Easy steps to make yourself seen at a conference In less than a week, a major startup event is held in Tartu -> I will be having a workshop there on how to be seen before people actually get to know you using to personal branding. I wanted to give you both a glimpse... Read More
5 impactful videos to make you act (Tim Ferriss, Jack Ma, Mel Robbins, Simon Sinek, Emily Jackson)
What to do when you are running thoughts (of what to do)? You know the times when you feel like not doing anything, pushing the tasks to the next day, and the next day, energy levels are not the same, thoughts of “why am I doing this” are in your head, you have lost focus... Read More
Billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban quotes on work, entrepreneurship and competition
Teachings for entrepreneurs by entrepreneur billionaire Mark Cuban I love Mark Cuban. Having now watched Shark Tank for some time for inspiration and a bit of a research purposes, I have grown to like him the most out of the sharks aka investors. Why? Because he is the realest you can get. Yes he is... Read More
Simple personal branding plan for 2017. VIDEO included!
Are you struggling with your focus to send out clear messages so that you could get that amazing job you want, fulfill your potential, find great clients and life the dream lifestyle you want? There is a simple solution to fix it, but it will include some time for preparation and then the focus to... Read More