Strategy for entrepreneurs and for career management in uncertain times
How to manage change as an entrepreneur or on your career?
First of all I hope this post finds you well and safe. It is a time when self-compassion, resilience and ability manage change is on an ultimate test. Sure, we know we live in a time of uncertainty and change, but this? This crisis was hard to expect along with what it brings to workforce, workmarket, to our businesses, our careers and our future. We still don’t know the full extent. We might have prepared ourselves to be flexible, so now we can test, if that is working.
How to come out of crisis with success?
Athletes and top level CEOs, entrepreneurs know, that they need to prepare/train as the competition is here and now. That means doing crisis plans, upskilling themselves and having alternatives in mind when something doesn’t work out well. On an individual level, that means having
a) multiple skillsets.
b) savings.
c) contacts.
d) alternative paths of career and business.
e) ability to quickly re-align, re-focus.
The last one is one of the most important one, as I have learn’t in my work and working with CEOs and athletes. We train how to direct attention so we would stay smart and creative even in the toughest times. If you are interested in training your attention for peak performance, just contact me. Here I want to share a crisis management plan that HELPS YOU direct your focus on something that can help you manage your business and your career in a more effective way and learn from this crisis so you are prepared for any next one in the future.
Crisis plan for peak performance
Here is your downloadable:
Crisis strategy for entrepreneurs and experts
This is a 2-page worksheet to map out your current challenges and to see what it is you control and what you don’t. The smart thing is to focus on what you do control, so you can take actionable steps right away. Small entrepreneurs and specialists are currently quite vulnerable when they are dependent on one kind of shoppers/employer, when you are in a field that is letting people go or that is a “nice-to-have” products/services. Though the strategy won’t help in everything, it can help in finding your potential and using it faster.
SO DOWNLOAD:Crisis strategy for entrepreneurs and for career re-inventing.
How am I prepared for crisis situations in my work and life?
In a situation where I have little control, my first and most important goal is to keep my mental state positive. I do a lot of breathing and mindfulness exercises and recommend them to you to to enhance your mental fitness. As for work, I have prepared all my life for anything-that-can-happen.
First, my work is flexible, what is both nice-to-have and also necessary no matter the times. I work as a lecturer in psychology and I coach people on their careers, business leadership and personal branding.
Secondly, I have saved up so I am to some extent financially secure to have the time to re-align work and business wise, when needed.
Thirdly, my needs and lifestyle is low key. I love cafés and travels, but I can eat porridge and actually eat much less and be happy with just walking as a workout for a very long period of time.
Fourth, in my skill set, there are random things like writing, massage, hiking guide, HR, painting, languages, crochet, and of course communication and performance coaching and personal branding, etc. And I am constantly working on new skills. And new fields and sectors. I have my work philosophy and that covers curiosity and helping people no matter what I do.
Fifth, as mentioned, I value mental and physical health. I move regularly (on foot), do workout for body and mind. I have learnt that breathing exercises and meditations are the best ways to keep calm and focused, especially when the stakes are high and information is scarce. This way I can keep myself motivated and with a clear vision of what to do next.
Sixth, I try lessen the amount of information (about the crisis) and also do not start watching hoards of series and TV during the time of stress. This is usually not helpful. I always have my own set of book reading challenges, favorite shows and study programmes that even being in self-isolation, I am still doing what I have done for the last months. I also do not see this as a extra vacation, because I consider vacation and resting an important part of my planning and I have that fixed as well.
If your life is flexible, well thought and planned out in all parts, then a crisis situation is a challenge you have the tools to come out of strong.
Again, -> DOWNLOAD the plan for managing your business and career in a crisis and keep yourself mentally fit.
Please share this post for those who might need it and if I can be of any help to your career, business and mental fitness, do contact me
Read more about my blog about performance coaching and see my services in personal branding and career management.
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