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Career Counseling

Career Counseling

Are you stuck in your work or want to be better prepared for changes in your career? Do you feel like you are not fully using your potential? Career counseling is for you when you are looking for answers to questions like:

  • What would be the best job for me?
  • What should I do to get the job I want?
  • Should I study and develop some of my skills further?
  • Is the current job right for me?
  • What are my opportunities in the current work market?
  • How to apply for a job?
  • I don’t know what I want to do. What should I do?
  • How to find the right match – right company to work for?
  • what can I do now to be prepared for the changes in work?
  • How should I plan my career to keep a competitive edge and enjoy work?
  • How to write a CV and motivation letter?
  • How can my team benefit from career counseling?

These and many more answers on your life and work choices will get answered during career planning sessions. It is also part of personal branding building.


70 euros / hour, 35 euros / hour for Skype and phone counseling. Includes prior CV and goals review (details on the task sent when you request the service)

25 euros / one e-mail counseling (one main focus per one e-mail), included free worksheets to help you forward.

For executive and entrepreneurs’ coaching see coaching service.